Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why this Kolaveri?

Things that have annoyed me or maybe I am hyper-sensitive to such things-here goes the list which have managed to raise my tempers a bit here in Chennai

  • Why do vehicles chase after an ambulance creating nuisance for other vehicles as well as increasing accident ratio?
  • Vehicles refusing to give space for a blaring ambulance in busy roads-possibilty of patient's life getting saved also depends on the time of their heart attack- if its peak hour-their chances are dim
  • Uniformed guys choosing to eat food or drink tea in all roadside shops for FREE
  • Women riders almost getting a free hand and never being caught by regulators at all
  • College buses especially in OMR zipping and zapping flouting all rules making bikers lives dangerous
  • Pot holes on all strecthes of road giving bikers the most troubles
  • Politicos Scorpios and Innovas flouting every rule but escaping the wrath be it in rule or not
  • Human beings involved in sewage cleaning of human sewage though banned by court
  • Colleges charging capitation fees in a variety of ways to the tune of lacs
  • Schools charging like colleges for their admission
  • Admission forms given for kindergarden applications at odd hours and parents made to wait in long queues at untimely hours
  • Govt promoting alcohol having opened 6000shops and raking in 17,000 crore every year and increasing the timings of the shops as well
  • All Ultra deluxe buses have ultra deluxe only in name, pathetic seats, no TV, etc
  • Share autos are 3 wheeled demons,racing with almost 8 people exclusive of the driver in these roads at high speed
  • Parking fees in shopping malls, are indicator of prices inside the mall
  • Street biking in roads making lives dangerous
  • More mani mandapams opened only to encroach space and encouraging social menace-why not a single big one to house all of them-past,present and future
  • 4lane roads are 2 lane roads and 6 lane roads 4 lane roads-thanks to encroachments on both sides
  • Why do people go star crazy when they are just normal human beings doing there profession-acting?
  • Crores of gold donated to temples which could go to feed hunger or eradicate diseases
  • Actors ready to endorse everything from coffee to hair oil but refusing to endorse social causesBlaring stereo not just for their own cars but for other guys around-noise pollution
  • Why do bloggers try to write everything they can- act as reformers of society :)
                                                                                                                                 V N Balaji

1 comment:

  1. Why do bloggers try to write everything they can- act as reformers of society :)
